ein mit einem grünen Gartenschlauch umwickeltes Fahrrad
© SKD, Foto: Herbert Boswank

"Let’s see!"- Amateurs Select Art Works from the Depot

When opening its collection to the public, the Kunstfonds (Art Fund) gladly follows new and experiential paths. One example of its efforts is the 2007 established series “Schaudepot”. This format inspired the American artist Janet Grau, who has been living in Dresden and whose artistic works have been characterized by the inclusion of amateurs in recent years.

  • Exhibition Site Motorenhalle, Dresden
  • DATES 16/02/2012—31/03/2012


"It is a public collection and it belongs to us. Let’s see what we have!" Starting from this idea, people who have no professional dealings with art were invited to select art works from the depot. Together with five different groups of citizens, Janet Grau posed a question that suited the direct requests and expectations of the participants and those they had about art and the collection. Based on the selection of the artworks, each group developed an exhibition concept that became part of the whole presentation. Here, amateurs functioned as curators and actively participated in a process that usually is only reserved for museum staff. The focus of the discussion centred on associations of art in this public collection and if the museum was able to fulfil the expectations of its audience.
The participants will join the museum education program of the exhibition.

abstraktes Bild mit roter Fläche
Steffen Fischer, Adams Gesichte (Blatt 1), 1987 Farboffsetdruck, 54,5 x 68,6 cm

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